The birth House of Hugo Wolf

The birth House of Hugo Wolf

The composer Hugo Wolf was born in 1860. His family has had on both parental branches Slovenian ancestry. Along with the expansion of leather crafts and climb up the social ladder, his family was also experiencing the then common process of germanization. The Vouk family, as they were previously named, kept their family name until their arrival to Slovenj Gradec. The area of Slovenj Gradec then was predominantly German and therefore the Vouk family started to establish themselves as Wolfs.

Hugo Wolf, who reached his worldwide fame in the then musical capitol of Europe- Vienna, spent his childhood years in Slovenj Gradec. Little Hugo was considered a wonder child because he was a virtuoso violinist. He became famous as the invincible master of solos. Hugo died young, mentally ill. His mother donated a painted window to the local church (St. Elizabeth) in memory of her son. The window is still preserved today.

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